Wednesday, January 9, 2008


I am thinking that maybe you all don't know that I am a weight watcher! I have lost 47lbs since the first week of June. Last week I had gained a pound... how disappointing. I had prepared myself (mentally) for the week of Christmas but not the week after with all the leftovers. The former leader of my WW meeting would say that is mostly mental... she is so right!!! Now my mantra is "Its just food". I try to use that often. My new years resolution was to drink the 64 oz of water that we all should have... I have done that since Friday of last week. Hopefully it will make a difference this week. My meeting is tomorrow. I will post the results.


The Rackroom Crew said...

Welcome to Blogsville, Now you have to keep this blog updated so we know what's going on with the Chappell's. Congrats on the weight lost. Love to see ya'll
The Ford's

J.E. said...

I am so glad I have another blog to read!!!!