Friday, April 18, 2008

weight loss update

I apologize for not posting in a while. We are SOOOOOO busy (just like the rest of you)!!! Anyway, i had my weigh in last night and i was down 4.2 lbs. I know that sounds like a lot for one week and it is... kind of. I have been on a plateau for the past couple of weeks... up .2 one week and then down .6 the next and then up .8 and down .6. it has been very frustrating. I have really tried to focus this week (which has been difficult). My current goal is to lose 60 lbs. When i have reached that goal I am going for a full body massage! I can't wait! My overall goal is to lose 24 more lbs.

My current weight loss is 59.6 lbs. I am so close to 60!!!! Thanks for all your continued support with this weight loss journey!
~ abee

1 comment:

The Rackroom Crew said...

Congrats on the weight loss, keep up the good work.