Last year, she was born on a Friday afternoon. I worked at school all day (in labor)! Around 2:30, I went to my mom's room and asked for a piece of paper to write down my contractions. She had to go to car duty... I begged her please do not tell anyone that I could possibly be in labor! In about 10 minutes... here comes all the girls we work with. Our friend Alice said, "Oh how fun... I've never seen a woman in labor before!" It was quite funny. So when I realized that my contractions less than 10 minutes apart and pretty painful I decided to call my friend Rhonda Coffey. She is the nurse that delivered Neilie and Claire. My mom taught her son at Roebuck Elementary. Rhonda told me to DO NOT DRIVE MYSELF but get to the hospital ASAP! So I sent my mom to get Neilie and I drove myelf home and got my stuff... my pillow, my bag, my book to read... and then drove to the hospital. Rhonda was waiting on me when i got there in a panic. Neil met me there in his patrol car. He was working that day. I was admitted to the hospital around 4:30. I got an epidural around 4:35 (literally... i don't take any chances). Claire was born at 8:53 pm Friday night May 11, 2007! We named her Claire Thomas (after my Daddy)!

1 comment:
Happy "Birt-day" to Claire tomorrow!!!
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