Yesterday, she was coloring (like on paper in a coloring book... not on walls or furniture, etc) and I asked her to go potty... her response was, "Not right now MOM... I'm too busy coloring!" First of all she called me MOM... not mommy! Next she said she was too busy to go potty. So i just said okay... we'll try again in a few minutes. She isn't even 3 years old yet!
I got the camera and started taking pix of this... the first two are Neilie coloring she was working very hard!

Next is Claire... when neilie got the coloring book out, Claire got her one and started flipping through the pages. She wants to do everything Neilie does... it is precious!

Next is Claire crying after I took the crayons away from her because she was eating them!!!

The last pic is just too cute of Claire Bear not to post! I took the crayons away from Claire becuase she was eating them... after her little fit of crying, she walked over to me (where I had the crayons) and looked at me with this face! The "Who me... eat crayons?!?!" face!

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