Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Ghost (or Fairy) of Wick Drive

So I haven't posted anything in a while...
Here's the deal:

I can't find my camera to upload the pictures from the stuff we have done lately... I am totally bummed about this situation. I will keep you all updated on the camera mystery.

Now for those of you who do not know this... we have a ghost in our house... well Neil calls the fairy because he doesn't want to believe that we have a ghost (but we do).

Here is the story about the ghost.

Before we had the girls, Neil and I went to the beach for a week of vacation. Before we left we dumped out our HUGE change jar that was so heavy it took both of us to carry it (that will be important later in the story). My mom was coming daily and feeding Sarge and Dilly (our dog and cat). The first day my mom noticed that the towel was missing from under Sarge's water bowl... no biggie she thought. A few days went by with no major events. The last day that she came over... she walked in to my kitchen and a crystal cake plate that was my Nanny's was shattered in the middle of the kitchen floor. Now if it had been sitting on the counter or something that would be different... but it was tucked away in the cabinet (for safe keeping)! Ok so, the change jar.... before we left we had left the change jar sitting on the dining room table. When we came home, it was gone and we have never seen that change jar again. Now remember we rolled all the change in it and used that as our spening money on the trip. It was basically empty. We asked my mom and she said she doesn't remember seeing it at all. Ok so...

anyway, I think the ghost (or fairy) has our camera and perhaps it will show up again.

... I hope

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