Our family tradition is to go to Nanny's Christmas Eve evening and we eat finger foods... and lots of them. At 8:00pm we start watching "A Christmas Story". The whole family gets a kick out of that movie!
This ended up being a great picture. This is my Nanny and all her girls. I am the oldest granddaughter. Then Shelley is next oldest. She is sitting beside me. Then Haley is the baby (of us)... she is sitting beside Nanny. Then of course Claire is sitting with Nanny (no place she'd rather be) and Neilie is sitting with Haley. Haley was the first name Neilie ever said.

I think Santa did a great job this year. Both girls got an American Girl Bitty Baby. Claire loves hers... Neilie likes hers. She is more excited about the CandyLand game. They had a really good time waking up to Santa this year.

Ok after we see what Santa brought, we get ready and head over to MaMa and DaDa's house for a delicious breakfast. MaMa can really cook a fantastic breakfast!!! This picture is of MaMa, Autumn and Preston. What was funny about this picture is, I tried to take it several times and MaMa never would look at the camera, then one time she started drinking coffee. She said, "Oh you are taking a picture!?!?" We all just laughed. So this was the best I could do. Autumn said, "I think I am the only one who knew you were taking a picture!" HAHA! I love my fam!

Ok, Next stop is Noni and Poppi's house. This is Neil's mom, Noni. She and Poppi got the girls an "All in One nursery" for their new babies and an ironing board and vaccum. They have really had fun with it.

I am sooo glad that your family had a great Christmas even through the sickness! It looks like Santa was good to everyone. I can not get over the pictures of Autumn, Shelley, and Halley. There all grown up now! Not to mention beautiful:) Merry Christmas.
Hey Girl I have your number now, and my mom is worried that you left it on the computer. Somethings never change, so do you know a way to take your number out of the comments on my BLOG so she won't worry! I'll call you about Friday I don't think I have any plans.
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