This year my mom was the team leader for the Fairforest Elementary School Relay for Life team. She worked so hard on this whole project! This was a whole family experience in so many ways. Here are some pictures. Hope you all enjoy!
Autumn was spoke during the opening ceremonies. She gave her fantastic testimony! She truly shows no fear in front of all those people... Amazing!
They had two walks at the beginning of the relay. The first walk was for survivors. The second walk was for caregivers. Preston, MaMa, mom and Autumn walked in this walk. I got the best picture!
It happened to be Preston's b-day the same day of the walk. So we had B-day cake! YUMMY. It came from Costco. I highly recommend their cakes!
GuGu and Neilie!
This is the Fairforest Elementary Banner... Give Cancer the Boot!
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