Friday, February 15, 2008

The DOWN low!!!

Finally over the hump... this week at WW I lost 4.4 lbs!!!! I am so excited. I guess I am making up for the 3 bad weeks I had. I am at a total weight loss of 53.6 lbs. I weigh about 20 lbs. less now than before I got pregnant with Neilie. I am so thrilled. People are noticing and it is really nice to know that other people can tell that I am working hard. Still drowning myself in water everyday!!!!! that is such a chore but i do it... daily. I don't love it - at all but i do it! I will not weigh in next week because I am going to SCSHA (South Carolina Speech/Language and Hearing Association) Conference. It is 3 days in Charleston.... don't worry, I will be in classes the entire time. My feet will never hit the sand... isn't that a shame?!?!


The Rackroom Crew said...

Way Go Girl!!

Anonymous said...

We are so proud of you. You are beautiful at any weight!

We love you,
Mom and Dad

Anonymous said...

Lord woman! I am so proud of you and I think you are just about the strongest woman I know. Hang in there. By the way, I love reading this and Neil's cop photo is very handsome! He looks mean and scary!!! Love, Your Sister in Weight Loss!

J.E. said...

IM so Proud!!!! I have been working out at the gym for months now and gained 4 pounds!!!!